In Paperback

Thursday July 28th/Friday 29th: Tracy
on BBC-5's Up All Night

9:30 pm Eastern USA/2:30 am GMT

with Dr. Petra and Dotun

Read an excerpt

Diary of a Married
Call Girl

Coming Soon!
Pub Date 9/27/2005

Friday, May 14, 2004
Quote of the Month

"People looking for a date on Third Avenue make it into a place full of hope and expectation, and this has nothing to do with architecture. Those are the emotions that draw us to cities, and they depend on things being a bit messy."
--Jane Jacobs in The New Yorker, May 17, 2004 p.31

Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Appropos of nothing
-- I may have reinvented the Manhattan! I made my first Manhattan @ home and used sherry instead of vermouth. A pretty good sherry, as a matter of fact: rare cream Solera superior; a luscious golden cream/delicious and complex (I'm
copying the text from the label) ... Emilio Lustau is the maker.

I didn't have sweet vermouth (the traditional participant) -- but what care I? Necessity's the surrogate mum of invention.

I added Knob Creek Bourbon and two dashes of Angostura bitters.

I have to write my (actual) mum and thank her. The Angostura bitters came from
her and so did the little blue glass I used for measuring the sherry. It was quite quite refreshing!

And Melodie who gave me the Happy Hour cocktail shaker a few years ago! This is the first Non-Martini that I've made in the Happy Hour container and I can't wait to tell her.